Tucson Airport to Sierra Vista

Transportation for up to four passengers between Tucson Airport and Sierra Vista, Arizona. Cash rates for a one way trip are $99 for one person and $30 for each additional person. For credit or debit card there is a 6% fee. We pick you up at Tucson Airport and take to your home, hotel or anywhere in the Sierra Vista area.

Click to Call: 520-678-4263

1 Passenger: $99 

2 Passengers: $129 ($64 each)

3 Passengers: $159 ($53 each)

4 Passengers: $189 ($47 each)

The Sierra Vista Shuttle is available by reservation. Be sure to call as early as possible. Click to call us at: 520-678-4263. Friendly Drivers. Veteran Owned. Clean Non smoking vans. Free bottled water. No pick-ups are available between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. Pick-ups after 7:00 P.M. are an additional $10 per person. Multi-passenger rates are for passengers picked up and dropped off at the same location.